Friday, February 17, 2006

Winter Returns!

I love winter! There was a lot of freezing rain last night, but alas, it appears to be winter again. I have plans to go to Blue Mountain and Tremblant in March so hopefully it lasts!

My birthday was this past Wednesday. I got a free buffet from Rideau Carleton was okay, but nothing to spank my mother about.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ottawa Senators

I saw my first Ottawa Senators NHL game at "Scotiabank Place" last night. Good times. For 300 level seats, I could still make out the jersey #'s at least. $20 tickets and I took the bus there, so pretty cheap night o' fun. Sidney Crosby did a whole lot of nothing...who is that guy?

I would like to check out a 67's game next.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


I don't own a vehicle. It saves me a lot of $$, but not a day goes by I wish I had one.

I went to get groceries today. Such a pain in the ass. I have to buy little bits and go maybe twice a week. I do rent a car once-in-a-while, but that just ends up being a tease.

Once I move away from the "downtown" core I suppose a car will be a must. But until then, I will continue to be my frugal self.

Have a great Superbowl (or as my friend Jialu likes to call it SuperDay).

Saturday, February 04, 2006

#1 Selling Car

I test drove a 2006 Honda Civic today. Nice car. Not crazy about the interior, but I guess there is a reason why it is a Civic-Nation. The salesman was a real knob. I really don't understand the whole "you need to buy this car today" sales tactic. Can someone tell me what they expect out of the normal (test drive before you buy) person? I don't know who would buy a car before it is even available to be driven?

Again, a Sat. night alone. Perhaps tonight I will create a master plan to get more of a life...

Friday, February 03, 2006 birgin ears

I am a birgin. So hopefully this gets better with time. WHY am I writing this on a friday night?=== I have few friends. I need more.

I wonder...Does anyone really read these things? Because eventually I will leak my deepest secrets. Is that the point of this?

So my first rant (the reason why I started this) is as follows:

Are there rules to walking? Trying to get off the bus today, eveyone was walking so fucking slow...WHY? Move over if you walk slow. If you feel that "pressure" behind you, GET OUT OF THE WAY.